Control Seal International B.V. is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We continuously improve usability for all and apply the appropriate accessibility standards (WCAG 2.2 and the EN 301 549 standard). This Digital Accessibility Statement applies to the Control Seal International B.V. website published at

Status of compatibility with the requirements

The website is currently compatible with the technical requirements according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2. This declaration on digital accessibility applies to the Control Seal International B.V. website published under Eye-Able constantly monitors this website and gives a score to show how accessible the site is. Currently this website scores:.


Non-accessible content

This declaration was created on 16.01.2025. The declaration was created using the Eye-Able® technology of Web Inclusion GmbH. More information about Web Inclusion GmbH can be found at Eye Able's website. Web Inclusion GmbH has gone through all machine-verifiable test steps.

Feedback and contact details

Do you have a comment or a note about barriers on this website? Please get in touch with us. We will explain which barriers exist. You can find out what exceptions we have made. We will answer your questions as quickly as possible, but at the latest within the statutory period of six weeks. Thank you for your feedback. You can contact us at the following address:

Originem B.V.
Slego 1
[email protected]
+31 20 308 6501


Konrad van den Bosch
Slego 1
[email protected]
+31 20 308 6501